The very hungry caterpillar, Éric Carle (1969 / 2008)
« « One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and – pop! – out of the egg came and very hungry caterpillar. » So Begins the journey of Éric Carle’s most famous character, from little egg to beautiful butterfly. With its die-cut pages and vivid collage illustrations, this is a richly sastifying book for children.»
An apple pie for grandpa, Sandrine Domaine, Christophe Poiré (2003)
[album bilingue français-anglais]
« « Today, Sophie wants to surprise her grandfather. Since he has a sweet tooth, she is thinking of a dessert. Her grandmother’s advice will be helpful at the fruit’s seller’s. » This children’s book is in both in English and in French. It is intented to familiarize children with English and French using basic words and to encourage them to enoy language-learning. Therefore this story can be read in either English or French.»
Des histoires pour réfléchir …
Sur le thème des cinq sens
Des histoires rigolotes
Autour des bonshommes
Sur la numération et la géométrie
Sur le thème de l’Asie